Kent Feuerring, TV Production

Kent studied economics at Harvard and business/marketing at University of Miami. He brings years of commercial/film, agency production and finance skills to the company. Starting his career in film accounting with Zupnik Enterprises, LA, he worked on the Academy Award-winning feature Glengarry Glenross. After years of freelance producing, and assistant directing, he became co-owner of A Pictures, a bi-coastal commercial production company, which he managed for eight years. Kent has deep knowledge in budgeting film production. His international experience has taken him on shoots in Canada, Europe, Africa, South America and Greece. Having worked with many different ad agencies and clients has given him the insights necessary to deliver great advertising at the best possible price. Kent is an energetic, focused individual who enjoys the challenge of solving problems. He is a computer/technology wiz and is also a pilot in the Coast Guard Auxillary.