NEW YORK, NY, OCTOBER 25, 2004 Consulting Expertly Facilitates Television Commercial Production

Millions Saved by Streamlining and Managing Costs and Schedules

Sue Paskoski, author of the acclaimed "The New York Production Guide," NYPG, recently announced the launch of, ( a premier broadcast and print production consulting firm. is the powerful bridge between corporations and their advertising agencies to understand the challenges of television production and effectively execute solutions to reduce costs, expedite scheduling, and continually maintain the highest quality and integrity of the creative concept. facilitates the important integral relationships among brands, agencies, production companies, and talent management. With's expertise, the creative process is enhanced while budgets are respected.

"At, we are major production experts with extensive 'hands on' experience and expertise. While our clients know their products and advertising agencies know the creative message, provides the detailed knowledge to streamline the entire production process. We cohesively facilitate all the constituents involved including talent, music, editing, travel, budget, creative, filming, scripting, location, and contract negotiations in a production," stated Sue Paskoski, President and CEO of Consulting is the cost-effective connection between branding, advertising, and production. Major corporations such as Kraft, BMW, and Miller Brewing Company understand that expediting the production of television commercials with the skills of saves millions of dollars while maintaining the most successful standards of advertising. brings a steady expertise to this volatile industry by providing a unique perspective garnered from years of experience in managing the myriad of details involved in television production. Because the team is knowledgeable in the nuances of production, they are able to cost-effectively manage all aspects of the production while energizing the creative process. also provides a detailed summary report of expenditures and savings for each project.

"A production consultant holds the duel role of maintaining costs as well as the creative integrity of the spots that are being produced. Working with Kent and Sue, I view them as an integral part of my team, not adversaries. helped our agency to understand the client's point of view as well as helped the client understand the production process and how their money was spent. Kudos to these fine people," stated Letitia Jacobs, Broadcast Producer, The Martin Agency.

The Principals

Sue Paskoski, President and CEO,
has been Executive Producer in multi-director commercial film companies. She has been responsible for budgeting, contracts, and overseeing all aspects of film production in award winning productions for Ford Motor Co., Helena Rubenstein, Pabst Blue Ribbon, American Express, Coca Cola, Miller Beer, American Airlines, and many more. She founded and published "The New York Production Guide" (NYPG), the first New York commercial "bible." Since 1986, she has been a premier TV production consultant, developing and implementing commercial production guidelines for Kraft Foods, BMW, and Miller Brewing Co. to ensure production quality and control costs. Sue has developed and presented production seminars for brand training and consulted on the acclaimed BMW Internet films for the first cross-platform advertising. She has the experience and skill to promote productive relationships among all parties involved while always advocating for her client's best interests.

Kent Feuerring, Associate Broadcast Consultant
studied economics at Harvard and business/marketing at University of Miami. He brings years of commercial film, agency production and finance skills to the company. Starting his career in film accounting with Zupnik Enterprises, LA, he worked on the Academy Award-winning feature Glengarry Glenross. After years of freelance producing, and assistant directing, he became co-owner of A Pictures, a bi-coastal commercial production company and managed for eight years. He has won numerous awards including two Addys, two Mobius awards, and a New York Festival award award. Kent has deep knowledge in budgeting film production. Having worked with many different ad agencies and clients has given him the insights necessary to deliver great advertising at the best possible price. Kent is an energetic, focused individual who enjoys the challenge of solving problems.

About, headquartered in North Salem, New York (, is the premier production consulting firm in the advertising broadcast and print industry. is dedicated to meeting their client's needs of high quality advertising while providing money saving alternatives and opportunities. manages production needs and assists in the creating of award winning advertising.'s expertise includes television, radio, and print production, talent payments and celebrity/talent negotiations. successfully fosters effective relationships among agencies, suppliers, and clients.
Contact at 914-669-9019,, or